Fly Tying a Wasp with Jim Misiura
Bee's are an often overlooked terrestrial pattern, but an important…
Fly Tying a Pheasant Tail Flymph with Jim Misiura
Another in the Flymph series. The pheasant tail can be used for…
Fly Tying a Classic the Blue Fox Variant with Jim Misiura
Here is a fly that's been around for close to one hundred ye…
Fly Tying a Killer Diller with Jim Misiura
A classic dry fly, nice attractor pattern.
Fly Tying a Blue Fox with Jim Misiura
This is the winged version of the Classic variant.
Fly Tying a Classic Dry Fly the Barber Pole with Jim Misiura
Barber Pole is a classic fly coming to us from the Catskill region…
Fly Tying a Wickhams Fancy with Jim Misiura
The Wickhams Fancy is a classic dry fly pattern from the Cat…
Fly Tying a Sulphur Flymph with Jim Misiura
A flymph take advantage of one of the most vulnerable stages…
Fly Tying a Grey Fox with Jim Misiura
Grey Fox a classic dry fly and an important match the hatch …
Fly Tying with Hans- Yellow Bellied Baetis
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