Damselfly Booby

A Damselfly Booby fished on a sinking line is a deadly setup for trout in stillwaters as well as in slow moving rivers. Damsel fly larvae are active swimmers and their swimming action is very well imitated in this combination of foam eyes, discrete sparkling wool body and lively marabou tail.

Damselfly Booby
Hook: Standard wet fly hook size # 6 or 8
Thread: White or olive
Tail: Woolly Bugger Marabou (Light Olive)
Rib: Chartreuse Flatbraid
Body: Woolly Sparkle Dub (Chartreuse Sparkle)
Wingcase: Woolly Sparkle Dub (Damsel in Distress)
Eyes: Foam Booby Eyes (chartreuse or white)

You can buy Woolly Sparkle Dub right here… shop.michaeljensens.com…
You can buy Natural Sculpin Wool here… shop.michaeljensens.com…
Find more info, fly patterns and tying- and fishing tips on Woolly Sparkle Dub on my blog here…

Watch more Woolly Sparkle Dub videos here… www.youtube.com…

Do you want to know more about Booby Flies, you can buy my book Tying and fishing The Booby Fly right here…
The Kindle version: amzn.to/2m6cMOu…
The Ibook version: geo.itunes.apple.com…