💛💙🇺🇦 Peace to Ukraine 🇺🇦💛💙 | Ívar's Fly Workshop
This video is my personal contribution to show solidarity with the nation of Ukraine and the people who have had to flee their country due to Russia’s illegal invasion of the country on 24th February 2022. Personally I know people from both countries and I hereby challenge the Russian government to withdraw its army from Ukraine, respect the independence and sovereignty of the country and stop making ordinary Ukrainian citizens and their homes as targets! War is a hell that no human being should ever have to experience. I personally support free democracy, freedom of speech, expression and civil rights. With the invasion, the Russian government is violating these rights of the people and threatening them in other countries. In addition, Russia is also violating international law and agreements it has already signed.
Dear viewer, now you have the opportunity to support the channel and Ívar for all the effort, time and work he has put in to make this channel what it has become for the community. You can also support the channel with the PayPal link below, or smash the SuperThanks button!
Peace to Ukraine
Þetta myndband er mitt persónulega framlag til að sýna samstöðu með Úkraínsku þjóðinni, þeim sem hafa neyðst til þess að flýja land sitt, þeim sem fallnir eru og þeim sem berjast á vígvellinum vegna kolólöglegrar innrásar Rússa í landið þann 24. febrúar 2022 sl. Ég þekki persónulega fólk frá báðum löndum og skora hér með á stjórnvöld í Rússlandi að draga her sinn til baka frá Úkraínu, virða sjálfstæði og fullveldi landsins og hætta að gera almenna úkraínska borgara og heimili þeirra að skotmörkum! Stríð er helvíti sem engin manneskja ætti nokkurn tíma að þurfa að upplifa. Ég styð frjálst lýðræði, málfrelsi, tjáningarfrelsi og borgaraleg réttindi fólks, fullveldi þjóða og sjálfsákvörðunarrétt þeirra. Með innrásinni eru Rússar að brjóta á þessum réttindum fólks í Úkraínu og ógna þeim í nærliggjandi löndum. Þá eru Rússar jafnframt að brjóta alþjóðalög og samninga sem þeir hafa þegar undirritað!
Friður til Úkraínu
Author: Ívar Örn Hauksson.
Hook: Salmon single hook #6
Thread: Semperfli Nano Silk 50D black.
Tail: Golden pheasant crest.
Tag: Flat tinsel gold.
Body: ½ yellow floss, ½ light blue floss.
Wing: Goose ½ yellow, ½ light blue.
Throat: Yellow and light blue rooster.
Head: Black with any head cement.
Dear viewer, now you have the opportunity to say a decent “Thank you” by supporting Ívar and his channel for all the effort, time and work he has put in the channel. Feel free to support me. Any support for this video will be donated to humanitarian help for people in Ukraine who suffer the Russian aggression.
“The greatest gift you can give to another fisherman is to put a good fish back.”
— Lee Wulff
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Ívar’s Fly Workshop
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