Mil Spec Soft Hackle by Fly Fish Food
Another simple pattern from the Mil-Spec series. This is an easy…
Mil-Spec Damaged Dun by Fly Fish Food
Fly Fish Food. -- Subscribe for more tutorials and gear reviews:…

Easy Callibaetis Soft Hackle by Fly Fish Food
Here's an easy Callibaetis soft hackle fly pattern, great for…
Muddler Mayfly Variation by Fly Fish Food
This is variation on the muddler mayfly style dry fly imitation. Hook:…
Wally Wing Callibaetis by Fly Fish Food
Callibaetis are key for most any stillwater (lake, reservoir…

Solar Panel Nymph by Fly Fish Food
The Solar Panel Nymph is a style of pattern that can be used…
Fly Tying Soft Hackle Mayfly
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we are going to tie…
Mailman Brown Drake by Fly Fish Food
A great brown drake soft hackle style emerger or drowned adult…
Flashabaetis Nymph by Fly Fish Food
An unweighted fun to tie mayfly nymph. Great for callibaetis…
M3 Baetis by Fly Fish Food
The M3 Baetis, from Michael Faulkinbury, uses minimal materials…
Aero Baetis v 2.0 by Fly Fish Food
This is an updated version of our popular mayfly nymph, the Aero…
Deep Dish Callibaetis & Brown Drake by Fly Fish Food
The Deep Dish is a great nymph to cover your callibaetis waters…
Deep Dish Green Drake Nymph by Fly Fish Food
A beefy imitative Green Drake nymph that's also fun to tie --…
Mayfly. effective Efemeroptero subimago imitation, very effective…
Biot CDC Callibaetis by Fly Fish Food
This is a good little Callibaetis dry fly pattern -- Subscribe…
Crack Back Aero PMD by Fly Fish Food
Here's a nice PMD emerger with a crack-back style. -- Subscribe…
Fripple 2.0 Baetis Mayfly Cripple by Curtis Fry This is the 2nd version of the original…
Fripple, Green Drake version - by Curtis Fry This larger Green Drake version of…
The Mailman (Drake Soft Hackle) - By Curtis Fry This is the 3rd part in our "Tying…