Tying The Snowshoe Hopper with Kelly Galloup

Kelly originally tied this pattern to imitate small hoppers on the Madison, but it has proved equally as effective for larger caddis and spruce moths in late July and August. The Snowshoe hopper is also a great searching pattern, and is very difficult to sink despite riding low in the water.

You can purchase individual Snowshoe Hoppers here: www.slideinn.com/product/galloups-snowshoe-hopper/

Galloup’s Snowshoe Hopper Recipe

Hook: MFC 7000 or TMC 100 #12
Body: PMD Superfine Dubbing – www.slideinn.com/product/super-fine-dubbing/
Rib: UV Pearl Krystal Flash – www.slideinn.com/product/krystal-flash/
Wing: Light Dun Snowshoe Rabbit – www.slideinn.com/product/snowshoe-rabbit-feet/
Legs: Small Speckled Tan MFC Centipede Legs – www.slideinn.com/product/mfc-centipede-legs-small/
Collar – Short Fine Deer Hair – www.slideinn.com/product/natures-spirit-comparadun-deer-hair/
Head – Short Fine Deer Hair