VISION Fly Lines For Pike Fishing
Fly line is the most important piece of gear for delivering large…
First Impressions | RIO InTouch Skagit Trout Spey Head
Will Johnson from the Ashland Fly Shop casts the all new RIO…
Versileaders & Polyleaders 101
Will Johnson gives a roundup of versileaders and polyleaders.…
TEST: Guideline Coastal Evolve
https://www.flyfishingmasters.se/sk/guideline-coastal-evolve-slow-intermediate/ Vad…

Linedansen – valg af liner til tohåndsstangen
Går turen efter laks - Så er her lige en guide til linevalg…

Casting the Royal Wulff Ambush SHORT line
RIO Outbound Coldwater Intermediate Fly Line
http://www.redsflyfishing.com/RIO-In-Touch-Saltwater-Outbound-Short-Line-p/rio-outbound-short-salt-cold.htm This…
RIO Versi Tip 2 Fly Line Review
http://www.redsflyfishing.com/RIO-In-Touch-VersiTip-II-Fly-Line-p/rio-versitip-ii-fly-line.htm Having…