Alphonse - "The Heart of The Indian Ocean"

This full length film published with permission from Black Fly…

A dozen flies for the home run

Slideshow with a dirty dozen for the migrating torpedos. Not…

Ep. 62: Dr. Aaron Adams on Snook, Bonefish, Tarpon and Permit

Dr. Aaron Adams is the director of science and conservation for the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust. In this episode of Anchored, I meet with Dr. Adams in Florida to discuss migrations and patterns of bonefish, permit and tarpon.

Episode 12 - Trout Spey with Tom Larimer

We chat trout spey gear, strategy, lifestyle, and the new Loomis IMX PRO short spey rods with Tom Larimer and Jacob Zirkle from G Loomis.  Trout spey is an awesome way to fish, but also hone your two-handed casting skills. 

Fly Fishing the River Anton Chalkstream

This film from Aardvark McLeod shows a day on the River Anton…

Crazy Brown Shrimp - Underwater Footage! - Saltwater Streamer - McFly Angler Fly Tying Tutorial

Brown shrimp are one of the most common foods for many of the…

October Caddis Skater

Selecting and Tying on Marabou

The need for accuracy: Dropper Nymphs

It can be challenging to get an accurate cast in tight quarters…

Fly Tying a Hemingway Scud

Hook: Scud #12 - #18 Weight: .020 Lead Free Wire Thread: Grey Tail:…

Fly fishing Camp Bonaventure & Salmon Lodge, Canada

This short film on the Camp Bonaventure & Salmon Lodges in…

Tying the Red Tag Hog Hopper (Dry Fly) by Davie McPhail Materials Used; Hook,…

Fly Fishing for GT: Bodu Muda Handhi

An edit from this year's succesful scouting expedition in the…

How to Set up a Fly Reel

West Branch

Strip Rattle & Roll - Underwater Footage! - Rattling Streamer - McFly Angler Fly Tying

If you have ever fished for bass, you know that in most instances,…

RANSARÅN SOLO | Jakten på cigarrfisk | JULI 2017

I den här filmen får ni följa med Jens under några dygn i…

Fly Tying: Galloup's Peanut Envy

October Caddis Euro Nymph

CAMP NORTH trailer

We just got back from another 6 days fishing adventure in remote…

Handling Tiny Hooks