Partridge & Hare Soft Hackle
Classic soft hackles are fun to tie, and they catch a ton of…
Get it Down Pat's
Killer Midge Cluster: Asher Stacker by Fly Fish Food
A variation of the super-effective Orange Asher, this is a killer…

Ep. 50: Ted Niemeyer on Natural Fly Patterns
Ted Niemeyer was one of the most skilled fly tiers the fly-fishing world has ever seen. A pioneer of realistic fly patterns, Ted was gentle to the core, so when he kindly welcomed me into his Washington home to share an afternoon of discussion, I was del

Partridge and Purple Soft Hackle
The Partridge and Purple Soft Hackle is a very simple soft hackle…
Point Up Zonker Sculpin - Underwater Footage! - Streamer Fly Tying Instruction
This fly is made to mimic a sculpin. Sculpins are a common food…
Tying a dry fly hackle using any type of hackle with Barry Ord Clarke
One of my new techniques for hackling with any type or size of…
Fly Tying a Swimming Nymph with Jim Misiura
Hook: Dropped Shank #6 - #12 Weight: .020 Lead Free Wire Thread:…
Dark Sky - Tekapo
Bull Dub Leech - Underwater Footage! - Leech or dark baitfish streamer with a cone head
I have caught a few good fish on this fly since I started tying…

Flugfiskepodden's Podcast Avsnitt 3 - Fisketaktik och fiskesnack med Christer Wiklund
Det finns flugfiskare och så finns det Christer Wiklund! Ett orakel, ett unikum och en trollkar! När man säger att man ska tänka utanför boxen så syftar man helt enkelt på hur Christer tänker och agerar. Vi på Flugfiskepodden fick ynnesten att sitta ner ...
Tying the Awesome Opossum Shrimp with Barry Ord Clarke
One of my semi realistic feather and fur salt water shrimps,…
The Orange Tube with black woolhead
Large dark tube fly tied by Henrik Kure Nielsen. This fly is…
FlyStream #14 - The Wendouree Cruncher
FlyStream's Craig Coltman on the Wendouree Cruncher - "Over the…
Tying a Glow Bug with Barry Ord Clarke
With a little preperation and a couple of tricks you can produce…
Tying a Flatwing with Barry Ord Clarke
This is a single hackle flatwing sand eel, that is a killer fly…
Tying the Gorgeous George (Irish Wet Fly) with Davie McPhail Paul Cantillon…
Ken's Crystal Worm
The Bat Wing Emerger
Watch Greg drop some knowledge about the Bat Wing Emerger in…