Wally Wing Callibaetis by Fly Fish Food

Callibaetis are key for most any stillwater (lake, reservoir…

Ep. 38: Grant Wooldridge on Wooldridge Boats

The Wooldridge family has been making boats for over 100 hundred years! I’ve been a Wooldridge fan since my guiding days on the Fraser river, so I was excited to have Grant Wooldridge on the show to learn more about his family history. In this episode o

Fly Tying Sparkle Klink

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…

Fly Tying Goldhead Hare's Ear | Hackles & Wings

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…

Fly Tying Body Quill Bug | Hackles & Wings

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…

Fly Tying a Traffic Light Quill Buzzer by Mak

Nice all year around Pattern

Fly Tying UV Quill Klinkhammer River Fly by mak

I made this Pattern for my River Fly Fishing for Grayling &…

Tying Cam Sigler's Big Game Tube Fly

Step by step instructions for the classic bill fish fly Cam Sigler's…

Fly Tying Small Deer Hair Caddis

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…

Fly Tying Hot-Spot UV Spider Wet Fly by Mak

Works well both River and still water Thread Black 8/0 , Red…

Gurgler Striper

Takk til Nordisk Fiskeutstyr, http://www.nfisk.no --- Fluebindingen…

Fly Tying Organza Diawl Bach Trout Fly by mak

Brand new Pattern, Going to try this next visit to my local water Hook--…

Dumb Eye Bugger - Wooly Bugger trout streamer with dumbbell eyes

Wooly buggers are probably one of the most popular and versatile…

Fly tying a Gray Dredgebug

Hook: 12-8 Thread: gray brown Body: light gray haretron Wing:…

Journey On Trailer

We are very proud to announce that our feature documentary "Journey…

Salmon fishing in Orkla

Friends and team mates fly fishing for atlantic salmon in Orkla,…

Tying a CDC Cinnamon Caddis by Davie McPhail

http://www.fullingmill.co.uk/ Materials Used; Hook, Fulling…

Fly Tying Quill Cripple Emerger

Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…

How to Dye and Prepare CDC Feather with Davie McPhail

http://www.fullingmill.co.uk/ http://www.nikwax.co.uk/en-gb/ How…

Solomon Hairwing Caddis

Detailed instructions for tying a Solomon Hairwing Caddis.

Pat's Rubber Legs 4K

Detailed instructions for tying Pat's Rubber Legs.