Club Sandwich Hopper…
Out of the Myths with Eric Knowlton - Ssn. 8, Ep. 22
Eric Knowlton of describes his intricate and beautiful fish carving process and how it is informed by his native heritage.
Fly Tying for Beginners a 99% CDC Dun with Jim Misiura
Getting creative with CDC feathers. The 99% Dun is sure to take…
Fly Tying a Rhyacophila Caddis Larvae by Mak 🐠 🐟🐠 🐟
Love this pattern, Had lots of nice Brownies on rivers
Tying a Kate Mclaren Loch Bumble Wet Fly by Mak
Love this pattern. Had a great success this year with it.
Fly Tying a Spey McLaren with Jim Misiura
Spey Style Kate McLaren fish it swinging in the current like…
Fly Tying for Beginners a Silver Hilton with Jim Misiura
Steelhead fly that will also produce well for trout.
The Obsession of Carter Andrews - Ssn. 8, Ep. 21
Carter Andrews is a long-time professional angler and the host of the new Outdoor Channel show The Obsession of Carter Andrews.
"Mending the Line" (Trailer) - Official Selection, IF4™ 2014
Get your tickets to IF4™ Today!!! FREE…
Fly Tying an Olive Copper Sparrow with Jim Misiura
Blending the Copper John with Jack Gartsides Sparrow fly.
Extended Body Midge…
Fly Tying with Dave Gamet- Tying the Tie-Dyed Baetis Nymph The…
Fly Tying a Wascally Wabbit with Jim Misiura
This pattern will preform well in many different color combi…
Pebble Mine with Scott Hed - Ssn. 8, Ep. 20
Scott Hed of Sportsmans' Alliance for Alaska talks about facing off against the Pebble Mine project -- and how close we are to success.