Club Sandwich Hopper…

Out of the Myths with Eric Knowlton - Ssn. 8, Ep. 22

Eric Knowlton of describes his intricate and beautiful fish carving process and how it is informed by his native heritage.

Fly Tying for Beginners a 99% CDC Dun with Jim Misiura

Getting creative with CDC feathers. The 99% Dun is sure to take…

Fly Tying a Rhyacophila Caddis Larvae by Mak 🐠 🐟🐠 🐟

Love this pattern, Had lots of nice Brownies on rivers

Tying a Kate Mclaren Loch Bumble Wet Fly by Mak

Love this pattern. Had a great success this year with it.

Fly Tying a Spey McLaren with Jim Misiura

Spey Style Kate McLaren fish it swinging in the current like…

Fly Tying for Beginners a Silver Hilton with Jim Misiura

Steelhead fly that will also produce well for trout.

Fly Tying a Steelhead Bunny with Jim Misiura

Great Lakes steelhead can't resist this simple fly.

The Obsession of Carter Andrews - Ssn. 8, Ep. 21

Carter Andrews is a long-time professional angler and the host of the new Outdoor Channel show The Obsession of Carter Andrews.

"Mending the Line" (Trailer) - Official Selection, IF4™ 2014

Get your tickets to IF4™ Today!!! FREE…

Huge Tarpon Caught On Fly

Keys Tarpon Fishing Guide pulls a HUGE Tarpon into the boat.…

Fly Tying an Olive Copper Sparrow with Jim Misiura

Blending the Copper John with Jack Gartsides Sparrow fly.

Extended Body Midge…

Fly Tying with Dave Gamet- Tying the Tie-Dyed Baetis Nymph The…

Just another trout -

Fly Tying a Wascally Wabbit with Jim Misiura

This pattern will preform well in many different color combi…

Pebble Mine with Scott Hed - Ssn. 8, Ep. 20

Scott Hed of Sportsmans' Alliance for Alaska talks about facing off against the Pebble Mine project -- and how close we are to success.

Fly Tying a Parachute Biot BWO with Jim Misiura