Fly Tying a Little Brown Stonefly with Jim Misiura

One of the first fishable hatches in the Northeast. Simple but…

Fly Tying a Dark Hendrickson Emerger with Jim Misiura

Quill body Dark Hendrickson emerger.

Fly Tying Bunyan Bug #2 with Jim Misiura

The original Bunyan Bug was created in 1923 by Norman Means.…

Fly Tying an Iron Blue Compara Dun with Jim Misiura

Iron Blue Dun is a popular spring time pattern. Tie it in a compara…

Tarpon Fishing in Costa Rica.mpg

A short clip of fly fishing for big tarpon in Costa Rica.

Fly Tying a Pike Angus with Jim Misiura

I learned the Angus watching Eric Leiser tying at the Catskill…

Fly Tying a Gliss-Glint Baitfish with Jim Misiura

One of my favorite smallmouth patterns. Tie it on a saltwater…

Fly Tying a March Brown with Jim Misiura

The March Brown is a large mayfly eagerly awaited by many trout…

Fly Tying for Beginners Sulpher Dun with Jim Misiura

The Sulpher is one of the first aquatic insects to show up after…

Fly Tying the Usual with Jim Misiura

I first learned the Usual from Eric Leiser at the Catskill Fly…

2013 IF4 - World Fishing Network - CAII Sheebang

The World Fishing Network (WFN) is a proud partner of the International…

Fly Tying a Gliss-Glint Deceiver with Jim Misiura

Glint-Glint Deceiver Chartreuse & White Pike Musky Saltwater…

Trout in the Community

Watch the newly hatched fry swim around in their new tank. Feb…

The Science of Gore-Tex with Brad Yeomans and Tim Dennis - Ssn. 8, Ep. 12

Brad Yeomans is the in-house guy for Gore-Tex at Simms Fishing Products, and Tim Dennis is one of W.L. Gore's national sales managers. Dont miss their fascinating break-down of the science and marketing of breathable fabrics.

Fly Tying a Saltwater Baitfish with Jim Misiura

Tied using Deer Creek products. Gliss-N-Glint and Fishheadz.

wedding (short)


Fly Tying a Mallard and Yellow Light Cahill with Jim Misiura

Mallard flank gives the distinctive markings to the Cahill wings.…

Fly Tying a Bead Head Caddis Larva with Jim Misiura

Easy caddis lavra.