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Fotograf: Steve Thornton Stort billede
Steve Thornton and The Virtual Nymphs

Af Peter Lyngby  19-10-2003

Steve Thornton har gennem de seneste år vundet stor anerkendelse for sine super realistiske fluer. ScandicAngler mødte ham første gang på Fly Fair 2002 i Holland, hvor den kreative englænder var et af højdepunkterne i fluebinderteltet. Siden er det gået meget stærkt for Steve Thornton, der udover at have åbnet egen fluebindingsforretning på nettet, skrevet en bog også er en bagmændene i den højaktuelle British Fly Fair den kommende weekend.

Steve Thornton har arbejdet de seneste 23 år som professionel fotograf, og han er efter eget udsagn ældre end fyrre. Interviewet er ikke oversat fra engelsk. Eventuelle spørgsmål til bedes rettet til redaktionen.

Fotograf: Steve Thornton Stort billede
Steve Thornton ved fluestikket
When did you start your fly tying?

I have tied flies for about 10 years.

What is your favourite flies to tie?

I like to tie Stoneflies as I find these very therapeutic, especially the super realistic that I sell to collectors. For fishing flies I enjoy tying them all, I have 32 match the hatch patterns. Many of them are un-published. The pattern I find the most intriguing is the Stone Clinging Mayfly Nymph. I think I have it correct, then change my mind and start again. I’m still working on this one.

Your favourite material for tying?

Nymph Skin. I use it for most of my nymphs. It’s durable, easy to use and makes the most realistic abdomens.

Fotograf: Steve Thornton Stort billede
What’s your favourite fly fishing – and location?

Fast freestone rivers in the North of England. However, I have recently been fishing the Catskill Rivers in New York State and these take some beating. Actually, it spoilt me, as I had to get used to smaller English Brown Trout again.

What tackle and weight (AFTM) do you prefer?

I only use one fly rod, and I use it for everything. Smuts, Dry Flies, Nymphs and Heavy Nymph work. It’s a five piece Greys Missionary 10ft. 3inch 4/5 weight. Its action is very slow, which makes a nice big loop, and I can cast short or long accurate casts with light tippets. I use a Loop Dry Fly reel and a Greys WF5F fly line.

What’s your personal future goals in fly tying?

I intend to carry on developing new tying materials and techniques, as well as, tying new patterns and upgrading my own collection.
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