Episode 40 - Patagonia Summary // Trout Mecca
Rivers, lakes, spring creeks, small rivers, glacial rivers, glacial lakes, good wine, brown trout and ADVENTURE. This was one hell of a week, please listen to the recap here and follow the adventure.
How to tie a Summer Trout Bug
Dry fly fishing is brilliant, you won't get any argument from…
Flashy CDC Bubble Emerger (How to remove CDC stem)
in this video i am showing very simple technique, which doesn't…

Flugfiskepodden's Podcast S3E7 Muddringen i Älvkarkeby
Avsnitt 7 är ett annorlunda avsnitt från Flugfiskepodden. Här pratar vi om muddringsprojektet i Älvkarleby under 80-talet. Varför blev det som det blev? Vad hade alternativet varit och hur gjordes det möjligt? Vi pratar med Hans Hansson som var väldigt ...

Taxes, Trespassing, & Trout
Some people fish in places where access isn't a problem. By and large, most anglers are content to drive up to a state maintained parking lot or a well-used pull off. However, there is a lot of fishable water that isn't so convenient. In this episode...
Poly Wing Adams
Hook: Std Dry #12 - #20 Thread: Black Tail: Ginger/Grizzly Hackle…
Airflo Skagit Scout Shooting Head
The Scout from Airflo is ready for it's time in the spotlight.…
Grey Fox Parachute
Hook: Std Dry #16 - #18 Thread: Rusty Brown Tail: Ginger Hackle…
This is the best of the best... Like serioulsy... Materials…

Pyramid Lake Fishing with Denis Isbister - Wild Fish Wild Places TV Show, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, Ladder Chair
I sat down with Denis Isbister who is the host of the TV show Wild Fish Wild Places which has been running for 12 years now. Denis is a Pyramid Lake expert and breaks down the greatness of Pyramid and the monster Lahontan Cutthroat trout that cruise t
Fly Tying - A Red Panama with Barry Ord Clarke
I have chosen this classic fancy French pattern, not only for…

Ep. 158: Erin Block on Hunting for Food
Erin Block works as a librarian and freelance writer. She is the author of countless articles and 2 books including, The View from Coal Creek and By a Thread. But of course, Erin is more than that, she is an angler, hunter, and forager. In this episode, w
2020 Simms Challenger Jacket & Bib
Simms new Challenger runs fast in any weather. So ignore the…
Fly Tying-a spent green drake with Barry Ord Clarke
Another technique for a spent mayfly. Spent mayflies have their…
Super Nova Baetis
The Super Nova is a simple Baetis or PMD imitation. Using a…
Borski's Butterfly | Fly Tying Tutorial
Drew Chicone's Midnight Special
Fly Fishing for Trout | River Monster Tries to eat catch and bites angler!
Epsic day in New Zealands Backcounty Fly fishing with my mate…

WFS 123 - Choosing a Two Handed Fly Rod with Mariusz Wroblewski - Winter Steelhead, Spey Casting, Kamchatku, Echo, Skeena
Winter Steelhead fly fishing with a two-handed rod, the Deschutes, Skeena and Kamchatku in relation to summer and winter steelhead. We also hear about the Wild Salmon Center and where steelhead conservation is heading.
How to tie the Gazza Special
This is the description from Wayne Jones. "Gazza Special https://theflyshop.co.uk/stillwater-flies/trout-dry-flies/gazza-special Gazza…
Slim Shady Splitback PMD
Slim Shady Splitback PMD Hook: Firehole 718, Size 18-22 Thread:…