McRubber - En Storfiskhistoria [The McRubber - A Big Fish Story] [ [ENG Subs] [GER Subs]
Det här är ingen vanlig fiskefilm... Det här en historia om…
Tying Tip Snowshoe Rabbit Foot
Here, besides tying a very buoyant fly i am explaining how to…
Produktguide: Simms Wms Bugstopper Hoody og Legging
Bugstopper Hoody og Legging er genial bekledning som gir mindre…
Dreaming day at Malalco River!!
We are fly-fishing outfitters with more than a dozen years in…
How to tie a Moose Maine CDC Emerging Nymph
Moose Maine is an under utilised material in my opinion it is…
Tying a Cruncher with Barry Ord Clarke
An extremely popular pattern in the UK that is used from both…

Ep. 150: Meredith McCord Part Two
Meredith McCord is a keen angler, professional trip host, and world traveler. Today she holds 180 records through the IGFA, and she shows no signs of slowing down. Meredith has worked her entire career to make it so that she can fish as often as possible.

A Lot of Fly Fishing Thank Yous
What are you thankful for? We ask that question a lot, especially towards the end of November. This is also a natural time to ask what in fly fishing you are thankful for. The heart of the season is wrapping up, and you have time to consider what you...
Fly fishing the flats for Bonefish - Andros Island
Wanna fish Andros islands? click that link below! Another…

Trout Markings and their Significance, with John McMillan
This week I have another podcast with John McMillan, as I have to confess I love talking to John about fishy stuff. His knowledge and enthusiasm and passion are infectious and I think his interviews are always enlightening. This week we...

Linda Leary – From Ice Road Truckers to Womens Fly Fishing Products
Episode Summary In this episode of the Fly Fishing Journeys Podcast, you will see the heart of the American entrepreneurial spirit in full force. From the TV show Deadliest Jobs, to Ice Road Truckers to a highly successful line of women’s apparel and ...
Ahrex – Mr. Mylar
The bristly and curly fibers of the mylar-tubing do not win many…
Neon Nightmare | Fly Tying
Neon Nightmare Blog-Post & Recipe: In…
Fly Tying The Cat Bug (Weighted)
The Cat Bug probably evolved from a fly called the Oaky Dokey.…
Harrold's Grous & Claret
Harrold's Grouse & Claret is an old seatrout pattern with…
High Country River, Big Fish Crush Dry Flies!
Last Day of my south island trip and it was an epic day. so many…

Modern Terrestrials with Rick Takahashi - Fly Tying, Fly Fishing Illustrations, Jay Nichols, Taka Hopper, Dollar Store
Rick Takahashi is on the podcast to cover fly tying and fishing terrestrials. Rick tells why he loves terrestrials and which terrestrials you should focus on as your A list. Rick describes his biggest influences and the books he loves including Caddisf
Ahrex – Fiery Brown Spey
There is something about a spey-hackled salmonfly. Those long…
PT Shuttlecock
A pheasant tail shuttlecock that works well, both as an emerger…

Cold Weather Trout Spey and Euro Nymphing
As temps drop strategies must change. Here are some great tips for helping you have more success while trout spey fishing and Euro nymphing.