Ep. 112: Jim Klug on Yellow Dog
Jim Klug is the founder and CEO of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, a travel company that arranges fly-fishing trips to lodges around the globe. Over the years, Jim has worked as a guide, sales rep, photographer and filmmaker, though today he is busier t
Fly Tying a Caddis Dyret
www.Etsy.com/Shop/TheFlyMan Hook: Std Dry #14 - #18 Thread:…
RIO Skagit Max GameChanger Head Review
Will Johnson at the Ashland Fly Shop went out to the Rogue with…
First Impressions | RIO InTouch Trout Spey Line
Will Johnson from the Ashland Fly Shop casts the all new RIO…
First Impressions | RIO InTouch Skagit Trout Spey Head
Will Johnson from the Ashland Fly Shop casts the all new RIO…
First Impressions | Sage Spey Reel & Sage Spectrum C Fly Reel
Will Johnson at the Ashland Fly Shop talks with George Cook about…
Versileaders & Polyleaders 101
Will Johnson gives a roundup of versileaders and polyleaders.…
Hatch Nomad 2 Plier Review | Ashland Fly Shop
In this video Will Johnson at the Ashland Fly Shop reviews the…
Bead Head Baetis Nymph
Detailed instructions for tying a Bead Head Baetis Nymph.
Tying a Brassie Jig Fly for Trout
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TEST: Guideline Coastal Evolve
https://www.flyfishingmasters.se/sk/guideline-coastal-evolve-slow-intermediate/ Vad…
Goodoo - Aussie Fly Fisher
GOODOO - Presented by Aussie Fly Fisher & LOOP Tackle. Murray…
Bead Head Baetis Nymph
Hi-Vis Foam Caddis
A great hi-vis hi-floating caddis pattern! I use these on small…
Pav's Shimmer Swimmer | Fly Tying
Pav's Shimmer Swimmer Blog-Post & Recipe: http://blog.avidmax.com/2019/02/26/how-to-tie-pavs-shimmer-swimmer-fly-tying-video In…
The River Glomma Norway 2018
A short film by Alan Ward, filmed over a few days in Aug 2018.…
WFS 064 - Denny Rickards Stillwater Fly Fishing - Upper Klamath Lake, Ghost Tip
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/64 Denny Rickards, the stillwater guru, came on the podcast to cover lakes and the history of stillwater fishing. Denny breaks down in simple form, where to find fish and how to present the fly properly to fish. De
Using Epoxy Resins
NOMINEE RISE FLY FISHING FILM FESTIVAL 2019! http://www.flyfishingfilmfestival.de Helmut…