GFA Hopper
SBR Light Cahill Nymph
Detailed instructions for tying a SBR Light Cahill Nymph.
CDC Micro Caddis
Detailed instructions for tying a CDC Micro Caddis.
Chubby Chernobyl | Fly Tying
In this week’s episode of Tying Tuesdays, watch as Brady ties…
Biot Basics - Biot Tails
WFS 033 - The Fly Tapes Podcast and Writers on the Fly Interview with Jason Rolfe
I had a great chat with Jason Rolfe from the Fly Tapes Podcast and Writers on the Fly. Jason has been doing an amazing job of showcasing some of the great fly fishing writers we have the priviledge of reading today. Jason talks about what it takes to b
Sight-Nymphing Clear Mountain Rivers
Cutthroat Trout are often seen as easy fish to catch. But sometimes…
Iceland's Interior with Kristjan Pall Rafnsson - Ssn. 12, Ep. 6
Kristjan Pall Rafnsson is one of the owners of Fish Partner, one of Iceland's most-connected fishing travel agencies. He breaks down the char fishing in the epic Kaldakvisl as well as the legendary Ice Age brown trout of Lake Thingvallavatn.
Tying a Stretchy Olive Damsel Nymph by Mak

#43 America's Fish: Shad on the Potomac
Today, we row our way out into Fletchers Cove on …

Ep. 84: Christine Atkins and Jackie Kutzer on Orvis 50/50
Orvis recently launched their 50/50 On the Water campaign, an initiative with the goal of seeing more women on the water. From women-specific gear, education, adventure experiences, nonprofit partnerships and women-centric storytelling, the campaign has
Shop Vac Fly Tying Tutorial
This has quickly become one of my favorite small fly patterns…

Fly-fishing with your family, with Derek Olthuis
Fly-Fishing with your family, with Derek Olthuis This week Orvis Ambassador Derek Olthuis and I talk about fishing with your kids and family. Derek has three young children and he fishes as much as anyone I know, so he has some great tips on how to...
Truchón: A big old brown trout
Presenting “Truchón!" This destination angling film set in…
Moments001: "Bazinga"
Some satisfying & exciting news from us. Announcing the start…
Fly fishing for tarpon in the Yucatan in Mexico
Although the Yucatan Peninsula has a reputation for permit, there…
907 Egg Sucking Leech Fly Tying Pattern for Trout and Steelhead Fishing - Ep133 PF #PiscatorFlies
Day 1 at the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show (IFTD)
Episode Summary I was thrilled to get down to Orlando for the combination iCast and International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) show. I spent quite a bit of time at the show doing shorter podcasts with a few exhibitors and industry professionals.
Hairy Mary
Step by step instructions for a simple but effective little salmon…