A Golden Trout
A beautiful golden brown trout caught (and released) on dry fly.…
Fly Tying - Slovak Heavy Nymph
https://shop.flyfishsd.com/collections/slovak-heavy-nymph The…
Willie Gunn - lakseflue bundet som rørflue.
Den velfangende lakseflue, her bundet som rørflue med US tube…

Lavezzinifly - Cavalletta fly tying
L'artificiale e i materiali per realizzarlo sono disponibili…
Pat's Plus
Wooly 'Bou Sculpin
Super simple fly. Marabou, one feather, a little dubbing, and…

WFS 011 – Tom Larimer Interview – Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Tips, G Loomis, Spey Lines
Deschutes River Fly Fishing Tips for steelhead during the day time
Fly Tying - Slovak Jig Heavy Nymph
https://shop.flyfishsd.com/collections/jig-slovak-heavy-nymph Based…
TOP 10 Fly box flies ep08 fly08
Thanks for tuning in to watch episode 8, of my top 10 fly box…
The Venturing Angler Podcast: The Ecological Crisis in the Florida Everglades with Joe Welbourn
In an episode of The Venturing Angler Podcast, Joe Welbourn of Bullsugar.org discusses...
Fly Tying a Claret Pheasant Tail Nymph by Mak
Great Pattern for Still water
Fly Tying the BH Walt's Worm & Sexy Walt with Mike & Darren Ep 5 Wooly Piscator
Check out the Walt's Worm in action in Mike's Morgan Run, MD…
Børsteorm - "den lette". En kystflue med liv i.
En hurtig og velfangende børsteorms imitation. Bundet med marabou…

Flugfiskepodden's Podcast Premiärfiske i Dee på Ballogie Del 3
Tredje och sista delen i vår miniserie från premiärfisket i Dee på Ballogie, Sluie och Borrowston. Í detta avsnitt får ni följa med ut på Borrowston och fiska Gannets från motsatta sidan av Ballogie! Men juvelen i kronan i detta avsnitt är helt klart ett...
The McGregor Irish Wet Fly
http://www.fullingmill.co.uk/?fmprompt=false The McGregor.. Materials…
Fly Tying - EP A2Z Minnow
https://shop.flyfishsd.com/collections/ep-a2z-minnow The EP…
How to Maintain Your Fly Fishing Tackle
We all spend a lot of money on our prized fly fishing tackle,…

Backcast Episode- Ten Tips on Better Line Control
*** This is a Backcast Episode from May 21, 2010. It is fun to see how much the show's format has changed since then! Thanks for listening!*** Tom thinks even the best casters can sometimes use a little help when it comes to line control. In this...
Fly Fishing Alumine River / Patagonia 2018! Pointer Fly
We are fly-fishing outfitters with more than a dozen years in…