How to catch tailwater trout all winter long, with Steve Galletta
This week’s interview is with Steve Galletta of Bighorn Angler in Fort Smith, Montana. The Bighorn fishes well all winter long, and with Steve’s many seasons on the river he shares his tips on how to catch tailwater trout all winter long. Even if...
The Venturing Angler Podcast: Restoring the Delta with Michael Frost
The Delta is an incredible ecosystem and fishery in California that faces numerous...
Mickey Finn streamer - ørred flue.
Streamer mønster til de kolde måneder. Vil du købe nogle…
Fly Fishing Bolivia - Agua Negra; Tsimane Lodge (short clip)
Pablo has just returned from a memorable experience with GIANT…
Episode 13 - Guide Competition and Fringe Season Fishing
Today I sit riverside with Steve Joyce, one of the owners and founders of Red's, and we recap the "Red's Guide Shootout" or something like that. Not sure exactly what we were doing yesterday but our staff competed in 2 person teams in Sporting Clays, 1 H...
Bead Head Hot Spot Pheasant Tail Nymph
The Pheasant Tail Nymph is a popular fishing fly for both European…
Fly Tying a Caddis Pupa by Mak 🐠 🐟🐠 🐟
Hook ; Sedge size 10, Thread White, Lead Wire, 2mm wide Larva…
Fly Fishing/ Golden Dorado & Thousands Doves!!!
Tailor Made Hunting and Personalized Service - Every trip is…
Hoh Bo Spey
The Hoh Bo Spey fly was created with year round fishing in mind…
Terrestrial Drop
Most of the season is terrestrial season. From spring beetles…
Tying Zonker Minnows
I'll be using some tubing I got from a dollar store to make a…

Small Elastic Mayfly Nymph
http://www.fullingmill.co.uk/?fmprompt=false Materials Used; Hook,…

Ep. 68: Larry Solomon on The Caddis and the Angler
In 1977, Larry Solomon wrote “The Caddis and the Angler”, the first book ever specifically written about caddis flies and how to fish them. In this episode of Anchored, I meet with Larry at his home in New York to engage in a lesson about entomology.
Fall Beaver Pond Brookies

Fly Fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the Langa River in Iceland
The Langá is one of Iceland’s most notable salmon rivers,…
This is a couple of years old now and not shot well, but hopefully…
double hook up buster - Underwater Footage! - McFly Angler Fly Tying Tutorials
This is tied much like a slump buster, which you guys know is…

#21 Armistice Day
This week, we have a story of tradition and remem…
Low Water Shrimp Fly Ayrshire Red
http://www.fullingmill.co.uk/?fmprompt=false Low Water Shrimp…
Tying The Chubby Chernobyl with Martyn White
Step by step instructions for the Chubby Chernobyl. This tough,…