Touch Dubbing
Tying a Quill wing blue dun with Barry Ord Clarke
A classic quill wing style dun. A traditional pattern and technique…
Muskrat Nymph
Fly Tying the Bass Creeper Fly Pattern for Bass and Pike - Piscator Flies
This beefy #bassfly and #pikefly pattern is one I've been developing…
La Bomba
Heavy nymph for trout fishing
Fly Tying the Griffiths Gnat Midge (cluster) Fly pattern - Piscator Flies
** Fly Giveaway -…
Tying the Gary Scott Variant (Salmon Fly) by Davie McPhail Materials Used; Hook…
Tying the Beetle bug with Barry Ord Clarke
A real simple beetle/ bug that has never failed me even under…
Pure Fly NZ
The entire series is now available On-Demand - The…
Tying a Foxy Brush fly
Step by step instructions for a highly effective brush fly variation…
Fly Tying The Jumbo Ginny Midge Fly Pattern - Episode 20 Piscator Flies
The Jumbo Jinny is a larger version of the Ginny Midge fly pattern.…
Introducing Dorado River/ Salta -Argentina.
We are fly-fishing outfitters with more than a dozen years in…
Fly Tying Friday Live Stream Tying the Rocky Mountain Tadpole Rangeley Streamer May 26, 2017
Tying a Dunkeld with Barry Ord Clarke
This is the trout version of the river Tay salmon fly. Also better…
Tying John Gierach's Gierach Special Fly Pattern - Episode 19 Piscator Flies
The Gierach Special is an effective trout fly designed by noted…
Friday Live Stream Tying the Snapping Shrimp
I'll be tying up a few Snapping Shrimp flies. Let me know where…
Garbage Bag Sulphur Flymph
Hook: Std/Curved Dry #14 - #18 Thread: Cream Tail: Wood Duck…
Tying the Starlite Leech Steelhead and Salmon fly pattern - Episode 18 Piscator Flies
This beefy fly is a great choice to throw to steelhead, silver…
Tying Phil Rowley's Chromie Chironomid Fly Pattern - Episode 17 Piscator Flies
The Chromie is a sweet little fly for stillwater. This chironomid…