Fly Tying a Yellow Ostrich Herl Streamer with Jim Misiura
Hook: Octopus #1/0 - #4 Thread: Mono Under Body: White Streamer…
Fly Tying Zonker Bugger
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…
Grumpy Frumpy by Fly Fish Food
The Grumpy Frumpy is one of our favorite all-around attractor…

Ep. 36: Kevin Feenstra on Fishing the Muskegon River
Kevin Feenstra is a long-time Muskegon river fishing guide. He was one of the first people to swing flies for steelhead in the midwest, and his adaptations of the west coast’s swinging tactics are revolutionary. In this episode of Anchored, I meet with
Fly Tying a Fancy Prince with Jim Misiura
Hook: 2xl Nymph #12 - #18 Bead: 3mm Black Weight: .015 Lead…
Fly Tying Soft Hackle Mayfly
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we are going to tie…
Fly Tying Black Spider
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…
2016 Mile High 25: Rules & Regulations
Everything you need to know about the Mile High 25.
Bully Bluegill Spider 4K
The Little Big Wiggle
Streamer zum Hechtfischen.
Fly Tying Laser Scud | Hackles & Wings
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Today we're going to tie…
Deceiver Variant - Underwater footage! - Lefty Kreh's most popular streamer
This is a great fly for saltwater applications, but also can…
Catching tarpon off the beach in Africa's Eden
Tying a B.W.O Emerger (May Fly) by Davie McPhail Materials Used; Hook, Fulling…
Tying the Green Highlander Cascade (Salmon Fly) by Davie McPhail Materials Used; Hook, Fulling…
Fly Tying Carrot Caddis | Hackles & Wings
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying videos! Sorry for the late video,…
Fly Tying a Ribbed Caddis Larva with Jim Misiura
Hook: Scud #12-#18 Bead: 3mm Black Weight: .010 Lead Wire Thread:…
Aitutaki Fly Fishing - Traveltruly Presents: Land of bones
The trout fishing season had wound up in New Zealand so I decided…
Fish or Die with Chris Owens and Jay Johnson - Ssn. 10, Ep. 23
Fish or Die (Animal Planet) hosts Jay Johnson and Chris Owens discuss world travel, drug runners, disease, and some of the planet's meanest fish.
Tying the Live Bait Bass Fly
Step by step instructions for Austin Goldsmith's live bait. A…
Tying the Flashy Profile Billfish Fly
Step by step instructions for a big game staple. The FPF can…