Beginner Fly tying a Deep Black Stonefly with Jim Misiura
Hook: 4xl Streamer #6 - #12 Weight: .030 Lead Wire Thread: Black…
Tying the Jig Hook Muddler
Materials Used; Hook, Jig Hook Thread, Uni-8/0 Red Rib, Gold…
Shop Vac
Matt's Buzzer
Detailed instructions for tying Matt's Buzzer.
Three Dollar Dip
Detailed instructions for tying a Three Dollar Dip.
Son of Sexy Walt's
Detailed instructions for tying the Son of Sexy Walt's.
Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph
Detailed instructions for tying a Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymp…
Fly Tying a Lively Legz Hare's Ear with Jim Misiura
Hook: Std Nymph #12 -#16 Weight: .010 Lead Wire Thread: Brown Tail:…
Foamerger Midge Emerger by Fly Fish Food
This is easily one of my most effective midge emerger patterns.…
Loop Cross SX Un-Boxing by Fly Fish Food
We received a nice pre-Christmas box from Loop and here's the…
“Along The Way” (Trailer) - Official Selection, IF4™ 2016
Film Overview: The film Along The Way presents the epic adventure…
Green Flow
It's the sequel to a story "Toothed Swamps" from 2013. Last year…
Matt's Buzzer

Tying Three Killer Nymph Patterns by Davie McPhail
Materials Used; Hook, Kamasan B175 Thread, Extra Small Copper…

Ep. 22: Steve Rajeff on Being One of the Greats
Steve Rajeff is the lead rod designer at G. Loomis rods. He is also one of the best fly casters in the world. In this episode of Anchored, I meet with Steve to see if he’ll open up a little about his life and how he became one of the most known names in
Poxy Back Golden Stone
The Poxy Back Golden Stone is one of the best looking Stonefly…

Tying a Grey Turkey & Pheasant Tail Nymph with Davie McPhail Materials…
Trout Heaven II
Anders is doing some serious fly fishing for brown trout in the…
Beginner Fly Tying a Beadhead Bloody Walt's Worm with Jim Misiura
Hook: Std Wet/Nymph #12 - #18 Bead: 2.5 mm Copper Thread: Red Rib:…
Mohawk Sculpin 2.0 by Fly Fish Food
This is the updated Fish Finz version of the popular original…