Nordens "bonefish" er på stikkerne netop nu
Brofjorden ligger spegelblank, perfekt väder för att jaga Makrill,…

Beginner Fly Tying a West Branch Sulphur with Jim Misiura
Hook: Curved Shank #18 - #20 Thread: Cream Tail: Micro Fibetts…
Ice Age Salmon with Jason Jagger - Ssn. 9, Ep. 10
Jason Jagger guides for salmon on Iceland's Midfjordara River, and also in Colorado and Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina. Don't miss his amazing insights into some of the planet's best fishing.
Into The Void - Rio Gallegos (Spanish Sub)
The Rio Gallegos River is nearly 300kms in length and has its…
Beginner Fly Tying a Large Caddis Larve with Jim Misiura
Hook: Curved Shank #8 - #16 Bead: 3mm Copper Weight: .010…

Baja California - heftige skipjack tun på flue
Pas på løslinen – når du kroger en skipjack tun på flue…
Beginner Fly Tying a Hemingway Golden Stonefly with Jim Misiura
Hook: Curved Shank #8 - #12 Thread: Cream Body: Hemingway Stimulator…
'Taking a Chance' Fly Fishing New Zealand
Taking a Chance is a half hour look at a wilderness trip with…
Bunny Midge -- By Clark "Cheech" Pierce
The Blog: http://www.flyfishfood.com One of the most effective…
Palomino Caddis by Clark "Cheech" Pierce
http://www.flyfishfood.com: This is an easy but very effective…
Midge Emerger Fripple - Fly Tying Tutorial by Curtis Fry
Fripple style midge emerger. A great midge pattern for when the…
Petite Sirloin Stonefly by Clark "Cheech" Pierce
The Petite Sirloin Stonefly is a great all-around stonefly dry…
Introducing the Hardy Ultralite SDS Reel and Shadow Rod
Hardy Brand Manager Howard Croston introduces the new Hardy Ultralite…
Beginner Fly Tying a Bead Eye Red Squirrel Nymph with Jim Misiura
Hook: 2xl #12 - #18 Eyes: Beadchain Weight: .020 Lead Wire Thread:…
Fly Tying Purple Butcher
Hackles & Wings Fly Tying. Today we are going to tie a Purple…