deGala's Micro Caddis
CLICK & BUY The Materials Used In The Video: Be…

Family Tradition with Diana Rudolph - Ssn. 9, Ep. 9
Diana Rudolph is a casting instructor and guide who has fished extensively in the Florida Keys, on the Yellowstone, and in the Olympic Peninsula.
Fly Tying Dark Hemingway Stone with Jim Misiura
Hook: 6xl Streamer #6 - #12 Weight: 25 Turns .025 Lead Wire Thread:…
Tacky Fly Box Review by Fly Fish Food
Tacky Fly Box Review by Fly Fish Food. Buy the Tacky Fly box…
Fly Tying with Hans- Ice Queen Caddis The…
Beginner Fly Tying a Lemon Lime Trude with Jim Misiura
Hook: Dry #12 - #20 Thread: Chartreuse Tail: Yellow Deer Hair Body:…

New York, New York with Monte Burke - Ssn. 9, Ep. 8
Forbes magazine writer Monte Burke discusses striper fishing in New York Harbor, urban perceptions of hunting culture, and college football.
Fly Tying with Hans- Tying the Zebra Midge The…
Fly Tying a Realistic Blue Wing Olive with Jim Misiura
Hook: Std Dry #12 - #16 Thread: Olive Tail: Micro Fibbets …
Beginner Fly Tying a Quill Body Sulpher with Jim Misiura
Hook: Std Dry #14 - #18 Thread: Cream Tail: Micro Fibbets…

Tying a Bug Pattern by Davie McPhail.
Glasgow Angling Centre Now Have Bug-Bond A Rubber Legged…

Tying the McPhail Pink Bug by Davie McPhail.
Glasgow Angling Centre Now Have Bug-Bond Tying the McPhail…

Tying a Sugarlump Emerger with Davie McPhail.
Tying a Sugarlump Emerger with Davie McPhail This is a good…

Tying a Polish Pheasant Tail Nymph with Davie McPhail.
Tying a Polish Pheasant Tail Nymph with Davie McPhail

Tying a small Polish Nymph with Davie McPhail.
Tying a small Polish Nymph with Davie McPhail

Tying a Tenkara Fishing Fly with Davie McPhail.
Tying a Tenkara Fishing Fly with Davie McPhail Materials Used; Hook,…

Tying the Sunburst Kate McLaren (Muddler) with Davie McPhail.
Tying the Sunburst Kate McLaren (Muddler) with Davie McPhail

Tying a Hothead Copper John (Variant) by Davie McPhail.
Tying a Hothead Copper John (Variant) by Davie McPhail Ideal…

Tying a Fiery Brown Hog Hopper by Davie McPhail
Tying a Fiery Brown Hopper by Davie McPhail a fly from an article…

Tying a Tungsten Bead Nymph by Davie McPhail.
Tying a Tungsten Bead Nymph by Davie McPhail Tyed using Hanak…