Salmon fishing in Iceland with underwater camera
salmon fishing. underwater camera sees sveral salmon taking the…
Fly Tying with Hans- Barr's Tungteaser Nymph
For materials visit our Webstore: Barr's…
Ultralite CLS Reels - Introduced by Howard Croston
Howard Croston introduces the latest Hardy Fly Reel - this new…
The flyfishing of the Lithuanian river Minija fish Part 2
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
2 elniai 1 šūviu
Du elniai vienu šūviu. Taurusis elnias -

Unguriu medziokle II (Eel spearfishing part II, Lithuania)
Unguriu medziokle II (Eel spearfishing part II) www.neriam.l…
Patagonic Waters - IF4 Media Sponsor - South American Leg
Patagonic Waters:
Fly Tying with Hans Hans' Cricket
For materials visit our Webstore: Cricket…