Tying the Pillow Talk by Wayne Haselau
Pillow Talk (PT)
Gamagatsu No 6 & No 8 SL11-3H
Tie in bead-chain or lead eye.
Taper under body with white thread.
Take 2 or 3 strands of pearl crystal flash & overwrap white body taper after super gluing first.
Apply 3 coats of varnish to body & let dry.
Add wing of 25 strands white & 25 strands chartreuse calf tail, add to wing 2 pearl crystal flash feelers & 2 UV blue strips of flashabou. Finish head with red crystal flash, very important as a strike stimulator.
Superglue head & then varnish.
Fish with slow erratic strips on low diameter 15lb fluorocarbon Tippet (weed guard optional).