Tying the Ernie Smith (Wet Fly) by Davie McPhail
The Ernie Smith Wet Fly
Materials Used;
Hook, Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 12
Thread, Uni-8/0 Black
Tail Golden Pheasant Tippet dyed Hot Orange
Rib, Silver Wire
Body, Silver Tinsel and Red and Black Seals Fur or Sub in Equal Parts
Hackle, Black
Throat, Teal Blue Hen
Wing, Teal or Widgeon Flank
Hi Everyone,
I’ve named this fly The Ernie Smith after a 75 year old gentleman from Manchester who is a big fan of my videos on youtube..He visits his local library to view my videos and friends also allow him to watch them on their tv in their home when he’s there even though they don’t have any interest in fishing but they see how much Ernie enjoy’s watching them..His favourite fly is the Teal Blue and Silver and as I already have this on Youtube I decided to combine the Teal Blue and Silver with the Peter Ross and a wee touch of a Bibio to come up with the Ernie Smith which I’m sure he will be very happy to see..I’m sure this will be a great fishing fly as you can’t go wrong with these colours..All the very best Davie…