Hot Head PTN Pheasant Tail Nymph (Variation)

Hook: Hanak H 260 BL #14
Thread: Semperfli Flo Red #12/0
Tail: Ginger Cock Fibres
Rib: Copper Rib Small
Body: Pheasant Tail Natural
Thorax Cover: Veevus PO1 Pearl Medium
Thorax: Troutstalker Scruffy Dubbing (Lindsay’s Killer Shrimp)

A lightweight nymph for fishing in low water conditions. There is no extra weight added to this fly other than some wraps of copper rib and it relies on the weight of the heavy gauge hook to slip through the water column. It has a couple of trigger points the flash of the thorax cover and the bright hot head.

Tie down to #18 a lethal fly on my local chalk streams.