Salmon Fishing in Russia
/i Laks, Rusland, Video, Video - Rusia /af WhereWiseMenFishWhereWiseMenFish take on the mighty Voronya and intimate Beloushia in late June 2019, fly-fishing for Atlantic Salmon on Russia’s Kola Peninsula. An easy drive from Murmansk it is a hidden gem overlooked by anglers fishing the Northern Kola Rivers.
More on Rusia and Kola Rivers:

Atlantic Salmon Reserve - Fly Fishing Russia
The Atlantic Salmon Reserve (ASR) is the world’s first conservation…

Yokanga River, Russia
Fly fishing on the Yokanga River in Russia for some of the world's…

Lybalakh - In Search of Giant Arctic Char
A trip to the remote Siberian mountains in search of giant arctic…

Zhupanova - A Kamchatka River Adventure
The Zhupanova is perhaps the most beautiful and scenic river…

Rynda River - Kola Peninsula - Russia
Salmon fly-fishing action from the Rynda River in Russia's Kola…

Rynda -Helicopter view of the Salmon Pools
An eagles eye view of the Atlantic Salmon river -The Rynda in…

Kharlovka, Litza & Rynda - Kola Peninsula
Fly-fishing for big Atlantic Salmon on Russia's Kola Peninsula…

Kharlovka & Litza Rivers in Russia
The Ultimate Kharlovka & Litza Salmon Movie. Big fish lost,…

Minnen från Opala och Kamchatka
Oleg kastar en snabb blick över axeln och styr med resoluta…