Peacock Flymph – wet fly tying
I never get tired of tying and swinging soft hackle flies, and the Peacock Flymph is as simple as it gets. A pinch of dubbing and a soft webby hackle is all you need. The dubbing can be substituted with real peacock herl, which is beautiful… but slightly more fragile.
Peacock Flymph
Hook: Ahrex FW580 Wet Fly #10
Thread: Brown Benecchi 10/0
Body: Woolly Sparkle Dub – Peacock Sparkle
Hackle: Coc de leon hen – speckled dyed yellow
You can buy Woolly Sparkle Dub right here…
You can buy Natural Sculpin Wool here…
Find more info, fly patterns and tying- and fishing tips on Woolly Sparkle Dub on my blog here…
Watch more Woolly Sparkle Dub videos here…