Snow Goat
Hook: Hanak H130 BL #12
Thread: Veevus GSP 30d
Tail: Brown Cock Hackle Fibres
Wing: Snowshoe Natural
Body: African Goat Dubbing (Black)
Hackle: Cock Hackle Black
I really enjoy playing with different materials and see what I can come up with, imagination is a great quality for fly tying. Don’t get me wrong, I have a large pint glass that stands full of flies I have dreamed up and thought not a chance….lol. This one though is a winner it sits right in the film of the water and is generic enough to represent many different hatching insects.
I am a big fan of Snowshoe and have used it in some really effective emerging Mayflies. I hope you enjoy the video and as always don’t be shy, let me know what you think in the comments below.