Glorious Bastards Trailer
Another fantastic film by Capt Jack Productions, Glorious Bastards takes us on a journey to Australia. A country world famous for its natural wonders, wide open spaces and multiple wild things that want to kill you. From its beaches, to the deserts, the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef, it has a lot to offer, but for fly anglers it’s coming of age as one of those truly global “bucket list” fly fishing destinations. Not only were there two different species of permit to target, the blocchi (Indo-Pacific permit) and the anak, they also got to grips with the main target, the infamous Blue Bastard. Long rumored to exist among Australian fishermen, the Blue Bastard was formally identified as a new species in 2015.
Kindly reproduced with permission of Capt Jack Productions, click to see more.
Another short film from Aardvark McLeod international fly fishing specialists, for more information on this or any of our destinations click, or call +44 1980847389.
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