Flatwing Sandeel Pattern
The Book is Call A Perfect Fish by Ken Abrames
A Flatwing fly is an incredible way to imitate small sand eels and therefore an effective way to catch the bass you will find feeding on them. A small Flatwing pattern with a sparse tapering head, slender body section, and thin hackle feathers for the tail is downright perfect for the job.
Materials Used;
Hook, Ahrex Streamer size 4 SA220
Thread, White or Olive
Tail Support, White Bucktail, White Cock Hackle
Body, Pearl Lite-Brite Dubbing
Throat, White Bucktail
Wing, Grey, Yellow Olive was Dark Olive Saddle Hackles. Peacock Herl dyed Sunburst or Yellow and two Strands of Pearl Flash
Eyes, Jungle Cock