Albino Pattegris
We have presented the famous shrimpfly for coastal fishing – the Pattegris earlier on our Youtube channel, but this time the danish guide, flyfisher and -tyer Jesper Lindquist Andersen will demonstrate his version for winter-fishing when the water gets cold. The combination of the lively white spey-hackles and the fluoro pink eyes makes this a magic “fish-finder” during the wintertime chasing sea-run browns with frosty fingers…
Hook: Ahrex NS122 Light Stinger # 4
Thread: Hvid UTC
Weight: Lead-free wire
Tail: Pink mallard flank, white Whiting + pink Supreme Hair
Rib: Nylon
Eyes: Easy Shrimp Eyes fl. pink
Body: SLF Saltwater pearl
Hackle: Whiting Spey white
Back: White Sculpin Flash Fibre, coated with Hard Head
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