Fly Fishing Norway
Articles & Reports

The French Connection
Hemmelighedsfulde laksefiskere fik en undseelig fjer til at blive til langt mere end fem høns. Gåden om de effektive fluer trak tusindkilometer lange spor fra Sydfrankrig til Finnmarken

Dage i Rauma
Rauma er på vej igen! Efter svære år med Gyro og rothenon behandling forlyder det, at laksefiskere igen er begyndt drømmene om den smukke elv - og laks. Laksefiskeriet åbner igen i 2020.

Gaula – beretning fra en lakserig sommer!
Sommerens laksefiskeri har en helt anden dynamik end det tidlige…

Tana - status og et tilbageblik på laksefiskeriet
Laksefiskeri byder i reglen på gode år og på dårlige år…

Prelude to a Spring
Some scenes from the Banjo Valley, Northern Norway, shot during…

Fluefiske i sjøen. Episode 3 - 2020

The Motherload Diaries | Trailer

Fluefiske i sjøen

Fluefiske i sjøen - Tobis Jegerne

Fluefiske i sjøen - I hjertet av Sandefjord

Second Nature | Jazz & Fly Fishing


Sunsets & Cocktails Episode 3: Fall On The Motherload River

Vulgata - At Last

Sunsets & Cocktails Episode 1: The Banjo Valley

Salmon fishing in Orkla

The Sorcerer: Vol. 1

The JazzBall



The Glory Map

Season Two Episode 2: The Sacrifice

Danish Trout

Jazz & Fly Fishing Season Two TRAILER

Straight From The Road - Episode 2: Rod or Not

It´s Hardly Ever Like That
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The Creek
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Beautiful Places - South of Sweden
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Beautiful Places - Mollisjok
One advantage of being a fly fisherman is that we get to visit…

Pike Strike
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Small River Salmon in Denmark
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Seatrout Fyn - Sustainable Succes
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Land of the Rising Trout
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Taking Twice
We missed this beautiful trout at the first take. Luckily he…

Golden Moments


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Double Pleasure

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Northern Exposure
Martin and I made a trip to Mollisjok, in the beautiful Norwegian…

Fly fishing - Sartajokk, Sweden
A short clip of our adventure to Sartajokk, Sweden in 2012.

Eight Days in Waders | EP1 | The Headwaters
The first episode of our 2019 summer expedition. We ventured…