WFS 098 – Tom Sadler on AFFTA and IFTD – Mossy Creek Fly Fishing, Brook Trout, Shenandoah Valley
Show Notes:
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Tom Sadler digs into the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) and the International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) Show plus his interesting background in fly fishing and conservation. AFFTA represents guides, outfitters, retailers, reps and more.
We talk about how AFFTA can help fly fishing companies and a good way to think about building a successful business. I’ll be heading to my first IFTD event so if you are going please look me up and say hey.
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Show Notes with Tom Sadler
Cameron Mortenson was on in episode 88 and recommended the 7′ fiberglass rod from Eagle Claw is a great deal.
Tom talks about his upcoming Jerry Kustich Rod from Sweetgrass Rods
We talked about the Patagonia Tenkara rods and how Yvon Chouinard is pushing Tenkara.
The Tenkara episode with Lou Tang here.
We talk about Silent Spring and the impacts from environmental degradation.
Marty Sheppard broke down spey lines and really simplified it in episode 76.
I noted John Gierach episode and his connection to tenkara. Find out why John doesn’t have a connection to tenkara in this episode.
Tenkara Tenuki was on the podcast in episode 39.
Mossy Creek Fly Fishing is the local shop Tom guides out of in the Shenandoah Valley.
The Middle River Group is Tom’s holding company for his consulting business. Tom focuses on conservation, fishing, politics.
American Salt Water Guides Association is dealing with Stripers.
Jim Range was a good friend and an unsung hero of conservation. Here’s a link to a tribute to Jim Range.
Here’s the link to the great Rachel Finn episode.
Hacks on Taps is a podcast that covers the politics.
The Outdoor Writers Association covers more than just writing.
You can find Tom Sadler at
Resources Noted in the Show
Here’s a link to the upcoming IFTD event.
Videos Noted in the Show
Rolling Stones Music Summary Video
Patagonia Presents Unbroken Ground
Conclusion with Tom Sadler
This episode isn’t your average show where we go deep into tips and tricks (although we do get into fishing). A bulk of the episode is a discussion on AFFTA and IFTD with a focus on helping small fly fishing companies.
Show Notes:
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