WFS 087 – Yellow Dog Fly Fishing with Jim Klug – Belize, Permit, The Fly Box, Jako Lucas, Cuba, Durango
Show Notes:
We cover Belize and Permit fishing with Jim Klug today on the show. Jim talks about his favorite patterns along with all of the steps to book your next trip to Belize. Find out why Yellow Dog is one of the leaders in the travel and destination space these days.
We talk about the best time to hit permit, how to find the best guide and how to choose the location that’s perfect for you. Lot’s of good tips and a step x step plan to get down south for some Permit or bonefish.
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Wet Fly Swing Members Society:
Show Notes with Jim Klug
Shaun Lawson and others were noted here as key players in Yellow Dog.
Jako Lucas and others are key to the exploration for Yellow Dog. I interviewed Jako here and Oliver White here along with Jeff Currier here.
The Fly Box was the first shop out of Bend Oregon that Jim worked for.
Jeff Perrin is a good friend and has a shop in Oregon, The Fly Fishers Place.
AJ McClane, Joe Brooks and other old timers were huge to the salt water game back in the 1950’s.
Duranglers and other folks had a big impact on Jim’s life.
The Backstage Pass is the blog from Yellow Dog that has a ton of resources.
The Scientific Anglers Amplitude salt water lines are a must have.
Rent this is now working with Yellow Dog. Rent this Rod is also a partner company with us at the Members Society.
Mike Mercer was on the podcast and talked about the Lower Sacramento River.
The Fly Fishing Belize coffee table book by Jim Klug.
Three big flies including the Mcnight fly by Doug McNight.
Two costa style glasses that Jim always has around his neck when in the salt water.
Brian O’keefe is a big mentor for Jim along with Dave Hughes.
Confluence Films is another big project that Jim is working on.
You can find Jim at
Conclusion with Jim Klug
Jim Klug tells his story and how he created Yellow Dog Fly Fishing. We go back to his early days fishing Belize, talk about how it started and where they are at today. Jim provides some good tips fishing for Permit in Belize.
Show Notes: