WFS 065 – 400 Species on the Fly with Jeff Currier | Fly Fishing for African Tigers, Jack Dennis
Show Notes:
I had the pleasure of sitting down with the most travelled fly fisherman on the planet. Jeff Currier has caught 400 species of fish on the fly and is still going for more.
We talk about some tips and tricks if you want to do some additional traveling this year. We go deep on some African Tigers, his 500k car and is upcoming nomadic life.
Show Notes with Jeff Currier
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Jeff worked for Jack Dennis for about 30 years and left when they started to restrict his vacation time.
Yellow Dog Fly Fishing is a sponsor for Jeff and a leading company that is taking people to Africa to fish for Tiger fish.
The Dodge Aspen (see photo below) is a cool story and a reason why Jeff was able to travel the world. Here’s a video on the Aspen from the 1970’s.
The scientific anglers titan taper is great for fishing for Tigers because it can handle the heat and turn over big flies.
Jeff describes some of the issues with IGFA and why he doesn’t focus on it anymore for fishing records.
The Mission is a good African fly fishing magazine that covers tigers.
The Octopus hook is one that Jeff loves for Tigers.
The waterproof Simms bags are the goto product that Jeff doesn’t leave home without.
A stripping basket is a tool Jeff uses.
We talked about the SUP Paddle Boards
Jeff noted Stick Figure who is a band he loves:
He also noted Neil Young. Here’s an amazing song and one of the first times Neil sang the Old Man song
The world championships for the masters division and will be in South Africa
You can follow Jeff at his website here or on instagram.
Conclusion with Jeff Currier
As always, I had a blast going off on a few tangents with Jeff Currier. The life and stories we covered today should inspire you to get out of your box and test out new waters. Jeff has made a life traveling and fishing around the world an has no plan to stop.
From African Tigers to carp in the lower 48, Jeff has hooked into about 400 species on the fly. Find out how he has done it and grab a few tips for yourself.
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