Expert Tips on Small Stream Fly Fishing in California and North Carolina.
This week we continue our exploration of small streams with Brian Slusser in California [@37:47] and Brown Hobson of North Carolina [@1:24:38]. Both are experienced guides and love small stream fishing. Even if you don’t fish these regions, you’ll find plenty of great tips and fly suggestions for your own region.
In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and also some great additional information from listeners, including: I have a small bass pond in my neighborhood. What would you suggest regarding patterns and techniques? I have a bunch of old flies from the 1940s. How can I tell if they are still good? Is there a comparable approach to Euro nymphing when fishing for steelhead? Some great information from a listener on the confusion around greenback cutthroat restoration in Colorado. Why aren’t all hooks barbless? Do you have any tips on tying with calf body hair? What are some good crab patterns for fishing for striped bass in New England? Can you suggest some tips on tying in biot tails for nymphs like the Copper John? Should I always be fishing my nymphs dead drift or should I try imparting some movement to them? A listener calls in with some great tips for finding small stream trout in Colorado