Episode 71: Bob Clouser – Fly Tying, Smallmouth Bass, & Stories with Lefty
I first met Bob Clouser during a trade show in Somerset, New Jersey close to 15 years ago when I first traveled there with Hardy. The industry is small, everyone knows each other in about 10 minutes. But it’s people like Bob that give you that special bonus of going to a show. Many of these guys have been in attendance for decades, they’re the foundation of our sport, and Bob was one of my guys.
Clouser has a big, boisterous laugh that is full of love. His heart is with Smallmouth Bass and the Susquehanna river. Always has been and always will be. The Smallmouth Bass was was Lefty’s favorite too.
Bob’s life changed when his father bought him a fly tying vice at a young age, but it was thirty seven years ago when he tied the Clouser Minnow that would be a game changer. It was a baitfish pattern that would catch the largest variety of fish that swim. Lefty said he caught 86 difference kinds of fish with it. Bonefish to billfish this fly is deadly.
Bob has been a guide, tying and casting instructor, author of two books and lecturer. But Bob’s biggest story is one about love, the love of fish and his friends.
We hope you enjoy…