Episode 64: Capt. Paul Dixon – Striper King
Paul Dixon’s name has preceded his presence for decades, and rightfully so. His life in fishing has had enormous wings, ranging from pioneering the shallow water striped bass fishery with flats skiffs in Montauk and the eastern end of Long Island, to guiding for tarpon in the Florida Keys. He’s seen the rise and fall of his beloved stripers and his voice was impactful in their struggle for survival.
(Their recovery has been heavily documented and so many years later, today, the fishery is falling apart, again, due to similar practices that all but destroyed them years ago. “There are none so blind as those who will not see!” I don’t know where that quote came from, but it appropriately fits the greedy whose actions guarantee destruction!)
On today’s podcast, Paul weaves us through his beautiful, tangled life, which has been connected to his fellow man as much as it is to a fish! He has been a modern day pirate, tv show host and guest, shop owner, and more importantly a heartfelt guy who has inspired his fellow guides, anglers and friends into preserving our resource through love, science, and fundraising. No one has done the latter better!
After this podcast was recorded, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust decided it will induct Paul Dixon in the fall of 2022 into their Circle of Honor with the Lefty Kreh Award for his life long efforts in conservation! But, too, what he speaks about today helped cement this well deserved award.