Episode 3: Flip Pallot – The Ultimate Outdoorsman
Flip Pallot is undeniably one of the largest figures in fly fishing today. You might know him from his profound TV show, Walker’s Cay Chronicles, or perhaps one of the hundred YETI commercials that accentuate his alluring persona. Anyhow, Flip is the exact person you think he is. He is the ultimate outdoorsman, a romantic born 100 years too late. Flip speaks fluent in Palm, Cabbage, and Turkey. There is no weakness in articulation or diction. Some say he is the most interesting man in fly fishing. He is a pioneer, a modern day explorer, and an innovator who’s spirit is fresh and wild.
We drove three hours north to find Flip graciously observing his untouched native backyard under his airstream canopy undisturbed by the foul weather. Soon he invites us into his garage and we chat about TV, the early years of Florida Bay, and his best friend Lefty.