Ep. 99: Bucky Buchstaber on The Fly Fishing Collaborative
Bucky Buchstaber is the founder and executive director of the Fly Fishing Collaborative, an organisation that raises money to provide sustainable aquaponics farms for communities that are at a high risk of sex-trafficking. In this episode of Anchored I sit down with Bucky to ask him exactly what the Fly Fishing Collaborative does.
Every $15,000 the FFC raises provides a sustainable aquaponics farm for an orphanage or safe-home. Equipped with food, water, and fresh produce, the communities are able to put their time towards empowering local leaders to care for additional children that would otherwise be sold into slavery.
The project has not gone without criticism, and while Bucky is the first to admit that learning and growing is a never ending process, the FFC has come a long way since it’s first year.
In this episode of Anchored, Bucky and I discuss the horrible world of human trafficking and what we might be able to do to help.