Ep. 23: Bruce Hill on Helping BC’s North
Behind the walls of fame and glory live the men and women who are the true heroes of our natural world. In my eyes, Bruce Hill is very much one of those heroes. An activist, silent leader, respected conservationist and the father of two children who are just as active as he is, the Hills have long kept the Skeena country safe from corporations looking to assault it.
An honest man, Bruce understands the need for industry, but is currently appalled at the liquid natural gas project being proposed in northern BC—specifically on Lelu island, the Skeena’s most critical habitat for sensitive juvenile steelhead and salmon. In this episode of Anchored, Bruce educates me about some of his causes—both past and current.
This episode is dedicated to Skeena Wild, the Steelhead Society of BC, and the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition.