April Vokey – B.C. Steelhead’s Unique Voice – Ssn. 4, Ep. 6
Few people of any stripe start their own businesses in their mid-twenties, but next to none go about it quite like April Vokey. Unconventional in the extreme, the rare woman in a man’s world, April has overcome everything from institutional prejudice to a car accident which nearly ended her fishing career – by taking her foot. Through it all, April not only maintained an upbeat attitude; she took it to a whole different plane.
“Damn right you can wear mascara,” April tells her fellow female anglers. “You wear it to the grocery store; why can’t you wear it to the river? Why would you have to look like a boy to fish like one?” Why indeed? Don’t miss this extremely unique voice – for her insights into angling, into steelhead, and into perseverance.