#43 America’s Fish: Shad on the Potomac
Today, we row our way out into Fletchers Cove on Washington DC’s Potomac River in search of the the illusive American Shad. While we’re out there, we’ll hear about the historic importance of this fishery, the odds it has faced over the past 5 centuries, and what this fish, and this place represent in our country and our sport. Now, I know the the shad run is a spring time thing, but this story is about much more than just the fish and at the end, we’ll get a current DC area fishing report from Rich Farino, the owner of the recently opened District Angling Fly Shop. So stick around.
If you’re thinking about taking a trip and would like to do some fly fishing, make sure to get in touch with the Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures before you do so. Once you get the trip on the books, make sure to pick up a new Scott Fly Rod. This episode, and really this podcast as a whole would not be possible without the fine folks at both of these companies.
Finally, you better make sure you have all the necessary fishing accouterments for that upcoming adventure. Deli Fresh Designs creates must-have fly fishing apparel out of recycled material that will surely round out your globe-trotting/fishing outfit.