#42 SoCal Bassin’
This episode is a two-fer. We’ll start just south of LA where we meet Captain Vaughn Podmore. Under his knowledgeable direction, we head into Long Beach Harbor in search of celebrities and various types of ocean-dwelling bass. From there, we head further south to San Diego where Captain Alex Cady shows us what the southwestern-most city in the continental United States has to offer.
During our time on these two different chunks of the Pacific Ocean, we’ll hear about the local waters, learn a few tips on how to target the species found there, and maybe make you consider what your backyard has to offer.
As always, we couldn’t do this without generous support from Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures & Scott Fly Rods. They have been with us since the beginning and we can’t thank them enough.
And finally, a big shout out to Deli Fresh Design for making this show happen. Their one-of-a-kind flyfishing apparel made in the heart of Denver, Colorado is sure to round out your fishing arsenal.