16 Things I Wish I Knew About Trout Spey Before I Started, with Shawn Combs
In today’s podcast my guest is Shawn Combs, head of Orvis Rod & Tackle product development and Orvis rod and reel designer. The topic is “16 Things I Wish I Knew About Trout Spey Before I Started”. If you have been thinking about trying to swing wet flies or small streamers for trout with a two-handed rod, also known as “Micro Spey”, this will be a valuable lesson for you. These are light two-handed rods, in line sizes 3 and 4, designed for covering larger waters. It’s especially effective in the fall, when trout are getting aggressive as the move into winter and brown and brook trout are migrating to their spawning grounds. It’s a fun and for many of us a new way to fish for trout. In the Fly Box this week, here are some of the questions and suggestions from listeners:
I know there are large trout in my river. What kind of water do I look for and what else should I keep in mind when targeting these larger fish?
I have been setting the hook on smallmouth bass by sweeping my rod parallel to the water. Can you take a moment or two to discuss the pros and cons of various rod angles when setting the hook?
How can I tell if my waders are leaking or if I am just sweating inside them?
My wife and I had over 40 fish rise to our dry flies and only hooked a couple. Any idea what was going on or how to land these fish? What, to you, is the essence of Atlantic salmon fishing?
A tip from a listener on how to target flathead catfish on a fly If I take my nine weight switch rod to Florida, what line size should I use on it for fishing from the surf?
A suggestion from a listener on another thing to be careful of regarding river etiquette.
What is the best way to get unstuck when you hook your fly on an object?
Do you have any recommendations on fishing crayfish patterns for smallmouth bass?
When there is thick aquatic weed on a river, what do you suggest for nymphing techniques?
Why am I suddenly beginning to hit my rod on my back cast?
A suggestion from a listener on the benefits of multi-focal contact lenses.