The depression I suffered from after returning to Slovakia is now disappearing. While writing this article, I´m reading in my diary and all the memories from New Zealand are coming alive. Me and my mates – Jakub and Peter – will remember every single experience we had on the southern island until the end of our lives. After only a few days spent there, we knew we that we need come back one day.
Text & Photo: Kurt Konrad
Read: In the Loop Magazine
Watch: In The Loop Magazine Videos
The first time Peter mentioned New Zealand was on our fishing trip on the San River in Poland. He described it so colourfully I could hardly believe him. A tempting idea crossed my mind and my desire to fulfil it was increasing with each photo and video of New Zealand I saw. Finally, I called Peter and asked him: „I´m going to New Zealand. Are you coming with me?“ He hesitated: „I would love to go, but we´re building a house, you know, and…Maybe Kubo would go… “
Peter was far too important to leave behind, since he had already visited New Zealand two years earlier and knew the rivers, effective fishing techniques, flies and so on… I kept on teasing him and hoped that circumstances would allow him to go. Fortunately, everything went according to my plan and in November we booked 3 flight tickets. The hustle and bustle of looking for information about rivers, lakes and flies started. An online fishing license purchase, stocking of equipment, and the purchase of a car followed.
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New Zealand: A Fly fishing dream come true – Part I
/i Acticles, New Zealand /af scandicAngler.comNew Zealand – Do it yourself !
/i Ferskvandsfiskeri, New Zealand /af Jan B. KristensenPludselig bevægede skyggen sig. Det var en ørred derovre under bøgetræets lavt-hængende grene og altså ikke bare en sten. Krumrygget bevægede jeg mig en smule nedstrøms igen; forhåbentlig havde den ikke set mig. Jeg satte mig ned og forsøgte at få pulsen under kontrol igen. Selv på femten meters afstand kunne jeg nu tydeligt se […]
Outback New Zealand flyfishing
/i Acticles, Ferskvandsfiskeri, New Zealand, Travel /af scandicAngler.comI am a sucker when it comes to flies. I guess being a commercial fly tier spend more time at the tying bench than most. I am not really an inventor of new patterns and it is very rare that I have the inspiration to create something new – I would rather leave that to […]
Destination New Zealand – et væld af fiskemuligheder
/i Acticles, New Zealand, Travel /af scandicAngler.comNew Zealand er blandt verdens bedste fiskedestinationer. Imidlertid har New Zealand haft et rygte for at være dyrt, især på grund afstanden til den tykt befolkede nordlige halvkugle. New Zealand er kendt for at være et overraskende varieret land, og dette gælder også for fiskeriet. New Zealand består af to hovedøer (Nordøen og Sydøen) og […]