Light Cahill

Light Cahill Hook: wet fly size 14 Tail: wood duck Body: red…

EP Baitfish Fly

Enrico Puglisi created the material known as EP fiber which is…

Slump Buster

My first trout over 20" on the fly rod was with a Slump Buster…

Olive Spider Wetfly

Once again we had the skilled flytyer and flyfisher Neil Darling…

Bloody Butcher

Dear viewer, now you have the opportunity to support the channel…

Black Gnat

Dear viewer, now you have the opportunity to say a decent “Thank…

Black Zulu

Dear viewer, now you have the opportunity to say a decent “Thank…

Baitfish Perdigon - McFly Angler Fly Tying Tutorial

The Perdigon is a very popular euro nymphing fly that is pretty…

Greenwell’s Glory

Greenwell’s Glory Ray Bergman variation in Trout. Hook -…

Cypert's Minnow - Great white bass fly

This originally was developed by Charlie Cypert for fishing South…

Peacock Butcher Wet Fly

Materials Used; Hook, Fulling Mill Competition Heavyweight size…

Swimming Finger Mullet

This fly I created because of a request from a Customer of mine…

Mini McCraw Fly - Baby Crayfish

This is a crayfish fly I created to fish in South Texas. Here…

Grizzly King

Detailed instructions for tying a Grizzly King wet fly. The New…

Kate McLaren Dabbler

Materials Used; Hook, Fulling Mill Competition Heavyweight size…

Fly Tying the Finch

Created by Ron Landis and found in Dick Stewart and Farrow Allen's…

Soldier Palmer

This 450 year old pattern has been a staple in fly boxes for…


Another small shrimp-pattern from Jesper Lindquist Andersen's…

Pine Squirrel All Fur Wet Fly

This easy-to-tie Dave Hughes All Fur Wet Fly can be found in…

March Brown Spider Soft Hackle Wet

Materials Used; Hook, Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 14 Thread,…

Fly Tying the Winter Brown

First described in Edmonds and Lee's "Brook and River Trouting"…