Spider Partridge Special fluguhnýtingar myndband | Flugusmiðjan

#icelandic #flytying #iceland #flyfishing #icelandicflytying Viljirðu…

Spider Partridge Special

#icelandic #flytying #iceland #flyfishing Dear viewer, now you…

Barr's Tungstone

Barr's Tungstone Fly Tying Recipe: (Click the links below to…

Surprise nymph

Its not all visible in the thumbnail. Its more than eye can see. Its…

Bunny Leech

This is about as simple as it gets for a streamer. In fact I…

Antron Egg Nymph Fly

Material List HERE: https://www.tridentflyfishing.com/blog/how-to-tie-the-antron-egg-nymph-fly/ Variations…

Simple Nayat Baitfish

A good-looking baitfish imitation does not have to be super-realistic,…

Brown Forked Tail

#icelandic #flytying #iceland #flyfishing Dear viewer, now you…

Locked CDC head

In this short video i will show you my favourite way of making…

New 2023 Bloodworm

Channel update - Winter/Spring 2023

Get a sneak peek on some of the new stuff in the pipeline for…

Grillos Low Rider Fly

Grillos Low Rider Fly Tying Recipe: (Click the links below to…


Scandinavian shrimp-flies have shown their worth over most of…

Simple Freshwater Shrimp

#icelandic #flytying #icelandfishingguide #flyfishing #iceland…

Amy's Ant

Material List HERE: https://www.tridentflyfishing.com/blog/hot-to-tie-amys-ant-fly-pattern/ The…

Flatwing Baitfish

Baitfish flies are a "must-have" in the box, even the most selective…

Morrish Hopper Fly

The Morrish Hopper was created by Ken Morrish and is considered…

Olli Bugger

#icelandic #flytying #iceland #flyfishing Dear viewer, now you…

Footprint F Fly

This is one of the flies i fell in love instantly as soon as…

Pattern of the Month #34 – Yellow White Wing BTT Nobody

Another of our sunshine patterns. We probably fish white flies…